When Is The Last Time You Did Something Tor The First Time?

When Is The Last Time You Did Something Tor The First Time?

I recently went on a visit to Montgomery, AL and was inspired while I was having dinner with my parents. We stayed at the Renaissance downtown and it was magnificent. Beautiful floors, clean rooms, and magnificent food! While having dinner, I ordered one of my favorite appetizers of all time, fried green tomatoes. Yum! Although it was something I ate all the time, it had toppings on it that I had never tried before. Some sort of cheese with a raspberry vinaigrette. Then I had the thought, I hadn’t tried a new food in a while. Wow, something new!

My question to you is, “when is the last time you did something for the first time?” It can be easy to get caught up in our local surrounding when places, people, and roads look the same every day but that should not be the focus. The focus should be to live our absolute best lives. A life of adventure whether we stay in one place or choose to travel the world. Traveling the world is one of my absolute favorite past times! It’s always okay to return home, it’s where you belong, but it never hurts to venture out even if just for a day.

Since I am the one who posed the question, I won’t hesitate to answer. When was the last time I did something for the first time? This past July, I had the opportunity to visit a new continent. I visited Santiago, Chile, South America. I imagined that it would have been extremely hot, but to my surprise it was their Winter season. It was surreal. I thought I would have lost a lot of my Spanish speaking skills, but to my surprise I was still able to hold full blown conversations. I had to be a translator and speak Spanish the entire time I was there. I ate the food, I drank their traditional drinks, I saw the mountains, and I attended a local holy burial. 

If you know me personally, then you know my family jokes about putting a tracker on me because I could be anywhere, at any given time, in any part of the world. I love being able to pack my bags and go see the world. I’m addicted to new experiences. They keep me inspired.

Although your something new doesn’t have to be travel, if it is, I strongly encourage you to book a travel experience to anywhere in the world with Lexi Armstrong of LexVacation! She is a local travel agent and can work with any budget! Tell her Tia sent you!

So again I ask you, “when is the last time you did something for the first time?”

A few things to take away from the column this week: learn a second language and always be ready to try something new.


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