What Is Your Why?

What Is Your Why?

You know those questions like, “Would you like to live on an island by yourself? WHY or WHY NOT?” Well, this very question applies to our everyday life. We are faced with why or why not spiritually and physically constantly. 

When we are lost in our goals or feeling discouraged we need to know our why or why not. Why are we pushing for these goals? Why aren’t we taking steps towards these goals? Answering these two questions are critical. Your "why" is what is going to keep you going. Your "why not" is going to help you get to the root of the problem when you feel stuck so that you can fix it and keep progressing. 

WHY? Why push? Why shove? Why be consistent? Why be great? You have to find at least 1 thing that keeps you going when you want to give up. Always having a reason will keep you on the straight and narrow even when the path feels like a slippery slope. Is it your desire to prove somebody wrong? Do you want to make your parents proud? Have you failed before and don’t want to feel failure again? 

What is your why?

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