What Are You Doing For Your Community?

What Are You Doing For Your Community?

Big or small, what are you doing for your community? Many times, we get caught up in the idea that we are only 1 person and the small thing we MIGHT contribute simply does not make a difference. I came to tell you that every little thing matters. Whether you decided to drop off items at Goodwill, attend a local community meeting, attend a sporting event, support a local team by stopping at their carwash, you contributed to your community.

Prior to COVID Panola County seemed to be gaining momentum for having an influx of entrepreneurs, events for children, events for adults, gaining increased traction from other communities. Some days I feel like COVID has robbed us of opportunities that were simply on their way. My perspective has changed. COVID is forcing us to create the community that we deserve. An event center where it’s safe to host events with live bands, new businesses opening, entrepreneurs thriving, school events whether it’s athletics, band, or the arts. COVID is pushing us to be innovative and to think about what we truly need and that is the support from each other.

We need one another to thrive. Our students, regardless of their schools needs us to sometimes just show up. Our entrepreneurs, whether they have a brick & mortar or Shopify store, need us to purchase their items. Our city leaders, need us to show up and vote or at least attend a town hall meeting and express our desires for our community. Yes, work is important and so is taking care of your household, but what is it for if on your off days you and your family can’t enjoy the community you belong to? 

Panola county needs me, it needs you, it needs your neighbor, it needs our local alumni, it needs our schools, it needs our family-owned stores, it needs our franchised stores. Support is a verb and if we don’t support our community, who will?

 Here are some ways you can support Panola County

  1. Attend a local school event like a basketball game, fundraiser event, or make a donation to a local student on their way to college.
  2. Take a neighbor to church with you.
  3. Volunteer at a local nursing home.
  4. Make a care package for a local veteran.
  5. Thank a teacher.
  6. Purchase from a local entrepreneur.
  7. Attend a community event.
Remember, you don’t have to have an impact to make an impact.
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