Stingy With My Peace

Stingy With My Peace

Lately, I have been extremely stingy with my peace. My peace is mine and mine alone. 

I used to always feel so disturbed and bothered at the smallest things but lately I have rooted myself in the fact that every little “thing” does not belong to me and I can’t control them. 

I have found solitude. I had someone tell me that they couldn’t stand me because I never said exactly what they wanted to hear but I was always honest. Normally, if I got the feeling that I wasn’t pleasing someone I would immediately try to fix it and bring some type of light to the situation or just snap at them, but instead I just said, “okay.” It wasn’t because I did not care or because the feelings I evoked were true and pure, but it was because I said my peace/piece. 

Because I was honest and gave my full truth, I wasn’t holding a burden on my shoulders or in my heart. Living without burden is peace. Living in my truth is peace. It cost me nothing other than someone not liking what I had to say. I have learned to remove myself from things that don’t make me feel good or don’t sit right with my spirit, whether it’s a restaurant or an individual. 

Speak your truth and be stingy with your peace. 

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