Perception Is Real!

Perception Is Real!

I have learned that perception is the key to life. Often we find ourselves in situations that are so easy to recognize the faults, disappointments, and negativity. We have to learn and figure out what it is that brings us joy first, and then seek that out regardless of what is happening around us. 

For me, I had to learn how to create my own paradise in my mind. I was going through a rough time. My senior year of college, I watched my friends walk the stage before me and leave our stomping grounds. I felt alone. My great grandmother passed away the night before my college graduation. My paternal grandmother passed away about 2 weeks later. Heavy hitters back to back. After the dust settled, I went overseas to Europe with my boyfriend for roughly 4-5 months. I was using this as an escape, to find peace. Eventually I found a job and started teaching but I had to move back to my hometown. I had never truly lived where I was born. I left when I was 5 and did half a school year when my mom deployed. 

Moving home was mentally a challenge for me. I had to face my biological father who I didn’t have a genuine relationship with because of alcohol. Being in my granny’s house and she not being there. Going back to living with other people after living alone for 4 years. 

At first, I saw all of these things as negatives. But I was consistently looking over the blessings that were involved. I found a job less than 6 months after graduation. I was debt free. I was given a new car after returning from Europe. I don’t have any bills that don’t belong to me and I barely have any myself. I change the lives of children in my community on a daily basis.  I own land and was able to clear it and plan for a home. I was able to have my 5th consecutive year of my summer camp. I have the freedom to travel when and where I please. I’m saving money. I’m investing money.

My perception was off. Never did I imagine living back in Mississippi but I had to sit back and check myself. The things that I perceived as L’s were really a distraction from what I was meant to learn from; to take heed to. My paradise is within, not based on my location. I have some questions for you…

What is your perception at this moment?

How can you improve your perception?

What is 1 thing you can do every day to help you change your perception?

What does your paradise look like?

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1 comment

Gave me things to truly contemplate….gotta find answers for myself…thanks for making me ponder.


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