Earn Your Glow!

Earn Your Glow!

At times, people we've known for ages start to give us a second glance. I was chatting with an old college buddy, and she mentioned that something about me seemed different. And you know what? She was right. I've been making some changes, and they've had an impact on the way I walk, talk, react, and think. I'm in a new headspace, kind of like a "state of being." But let me tell you, when you're trying to level up and be your best self, it can sometimes come off as a little weird to others. They might think, "Hey, what's up with her? She seems different."

Guess what? As you keep on this journey, a certain kind of glow starts to shine on your face. It's like this light that gets stronger each day. Why? Because you're putting out good vibes into the world. Not everyone's going to get why you're vibing so high or why it's important to hang with folks who uplift you. But trust me, when you're on that same wavelength as positivity, your glow becomes next level.

If your vibe's feeling a bit low, don't sweat it. It's just a sign that it's time to switch things up. You won't earn that amazing glow by sticking to your same old routines, hanging out with the same crowd, or doing stuff that's been keeping you stuck. Nope, this glow-up work needs a change of scenery—both literally and in your thoughts.

How about shaking things up? Instead of your usual spots, venture somewhere new. Head to a restaurant and sit at the bar, strike up a convo with the waiter about their dreams. Try out a fresh nail salon and chitchat with the person next to you. Or hey, why not pick up a hobby that's a bit out of your comfort zone? Think skating, rock climbing, or even bowling—all good ways to get moving and grooving, even if you're doing it solo.

Just remember this motto: EARN YOUR GLOW! It's all about taking steps, big or small, toward a more awesome you. So go on, make some changes, try some new stuff, and let that inner glow of yours shine brighter than ever! 🌟🌼🌞


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