Drama Doesn't Live Here

Drama Doesn't Live Here

I was never attracted to drama but once I went to college in 2013, for some reason drama was always present. Drama would be present even when it didn’t belong to me. Sometimes I would find myself being a witness and having to recount situations that eventually lead to me being in the middle of conversations backing someone up or being present to make sure it was recounted correctly. During this time I thought I had so many friends until I came to the realization that we didn’t actually have a connection. People were always around and constantly having conversations and connections that were solely based on foolishness or to just be nosy. It’s a NO for me, sis.

They would call and text me all the time and the entire conversation would be about what happened and my opinion on the situation. They would want to go to lunch and for drinks only to further discuss how they thought things would play out. They would discuss all of this over birthday dinners, Sunday night dinner when I would cook at my house, when we would be at the movie theatre and all of a sudden someone would pull out their phone to show us a text….it was everywhere. 

There came a time when I had to step up. I started asking questions about where they wanted to travel, how we could save more, getting a passport, spring break trips, etc., and somehow their conversations grew shorter and the texts started to come far and few between. As I grew, I noticed. I noticed how I got invited less but I was doing more, even if I was alone. I noticed that the same enthusiasm they had for mess didn’t apply to my evolution. My new-beginning was a short-coming in some of their eyes. 

Now, they watch my stories. Now, they read my book on amazon. Now, they refused to share my posts because of all the things shared in group chats. Now, they watch me be in love and travel the world with my man using the same passport I got when they didn’t want to go take passport photos at Walgreens. $12 was too much for passport photos but not too much for a medium size bottom shelf margarita from a hole in the wall. 

Things changed; and it hurt, but it meant me well. 

I don’t want to be anybody's struggle buddy for when foolishness comes around. The unnecessary is just that, unnecessary. Misery loves company and I won’t be a visitor or companion. Be careful of those who flock to you with a load of darkness on their back.

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